# njustthesis Thesis template for [NJUST](https://njust.edu.cn). ## License This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of GPLv3+. ## Dependent ### Required - A `LaTex` distribution. Such as [texlive](https://github.com/TeX-Live/texlive-source). - [cnlogo](https://github.com/yuxtech/cnlogo/) provides the logos of many Chinese Universities. ## Install ### Use Package Manager ```shell tlmgr install njustthesis ``` ### Install From Source Code ```shell l3build install ``` ## Customize Default values: ```latex \njustsetup{ logo = \njustwhole[njust][0.5], % depend on cnlogo cover-title = 毕业设计说明书, author = 佚名, id = 916101630000, department = 电子工程与光电技术学院, discipline = 电子工程与光电技术, title = , subtitle = , supervisor = 张三, associate-supervisor = 李四, judge = 王五, supervisor-title = 教授, associate-supervisor-title = 教授, judge-title = 教授, year = \the\year, % the time of paper month = \the\month, day = \the\day, abstract-prefix = 毕业论文, signature = , signature* = , % star means english abstract-prefix = 毕业论文, title* = , subtitle* = , header-title = 本科毕业设计说明书, } ``` **Note**: Add `{}` around the string which contain ' ','=', and','. Example: ```latex \documentclass{njustthesis} \njustsetup{% author = 张不三, id = 916101630000, discipline = 电子信息工程, title = {论文名字带逗号,或空格 }, subtitle = 所以加花括弧括起来, title* = {English name}, supervisor = , supervisor-title = 教授, judge = , % signature = \includegraphics{signature.pdf}, judge-title = 教授, } \usepackage{subfiles} \begin{document} \maketitle \frontmatter \tableofcontents \listoffigures \listoftables \mainmatter% % \subfile{subfiles/chapter1.tex} \backmatter% % \bibliography{refs/main.bib} \appendix % \subfile{subfiles/appendix1.tex} \end{document} ``` See more [examples](https://github.com/Freed-Wu?tab=repositories&q=njust&language=tex). ## Tips ```shell texdoc njusthesis ``` ## Todo - [pandoc](https://github.com/jgm/pandoc) template for user can write markdown then convert it to latex. - Change format from `ctexbook` to `ctexart` in order to use `beamerarticle.sty` more conveniently. ## FAQ Q: Why another wheel? A: Because former wheels cannot satisfy me. Some even only provide a `*.tex` not `*.cls`. So crude. Q: 100% compatible with official `docx` template? A: If you find something unreasonable, welcome to pull request! More questions see [issues](https://github.com/Freed-Wu/njustthesis/issues). ## Reference - [thuthesis](https://github.com/tuna/thuthesis) May be the best thesis template among all Chinese theses. Any one can learn something from it. Such as literate programming, separation of content and presentation, etc.