beamerthemetamu v1.1 ==================== This is a beamer theme designed for use in Texas A&M University (TAMU). It can be used to create slides with [TAMU brand colors]( Note that this theme is NOT endorsed by the university. There is no warranty implied. Dependencies: ------------- The template is based on beamer, so you should have beamer installed. Installation: ------------- If you are on Linux, and have obtained the theme via GitHub directly, you can take advantage of the `Makefile` to install. Open a terminal and change to the top directory of this package. Issue: make install Otherwise, you can directly copy the files in the `theme/` directory of this package into your `$TEXMFHOME/tex/latex/beamerthemetamu/` directory, where `$TEXMFHOME` stands for your personal texmf tree directory. As with TeX Live, it defaults to `$HOME/texmf` under Unix. For Windows (Vista and newer), it is `C:\Users\\texmf`. Notes to MikTeX/CTeX users: there is not a default directory equal to `$TEXMFHOME`, but you can use an arbitrary directory as your personal texmf tree. Just set it up with the help of this guide[1], once and for all. Remember to refresh FNDB after a fresh new install of this theme. [1] After installation, you will get files such as `$TEXMFHOME/tex/latex/beamerthemetamu/beamerthemetamu.sty`. How to use: ----------- You can use the sample file `beamerthemetamu.tex` to get started. Just modify it (add your talk stuff) and then compile it using pdflatex or xelatex. Note the sample file depends on the bib source file `beamerthemetamu-refs.bib`. To output PDF file with correct citation info, you need to copy it along with your tex file, or modify the tex file to use your own bib file, or just delete all bib related stuff in the tex file. This theme can optionally show the university logo in the slides if you have a file called `tamu-logo.pdf` in the same directory as the sample file, or some other directory in the standard TeX search path. The university logo can be downloaded at [TAMU website]( Please refer to the page regarding the usage guideline of the university logo. License ------- Copyright 2017 Alick Zhao Unless otherwise noted in individual files, this work may be distributed and/or modified 1. under the LaTeX Project Public License, version 1.3c or later, and/or 2. under the GNU Public License, version 2 or later.