Gantt is a (third party) ConTeXt module for drawing Gantt charts via MetaPost or PGF/TikZ. == Description == To switch between the two drawing engines (MetaPost and TikZ) use the style option. \usemodule[gantt][alternative=mp] \usemodule[gantt][alternative=tikz] The default engine is MetaPost. Here is a short description of the environments and commands: === Gantt === The gantt environment draws the canvas of a gantt figure. \startgantt[…]{no of Tasks to plot}{no of time slots} The optional argument […] can be filled in a key=value syntax, using one or more of the following keys: * factor - MetaPost scale factor (default: 1) * xunitlength - length of one time slot (default: 1cm) * style - fontsize of labels (default: \tf) * titlestyle - fontsize of title section (default: \tfx) * drawledgerline - switch to enable/disable the drawing of horizontal ledger lines (default value: false) === Ganttitle === This is the environment for drawing the title section. \startganttitle (…) \stopganttitle === Titleelement === This draws one element of the title. \titleelement{label}{length} === Numtitle === This draws a numbered sequence of title elements. \numtitle{start number}{increment}{end number}{length of each title element} === Ganttbar === This draws a single, unconnected bar for representing a task. \ganttbar[pattern=value,color=value]{label}{start}{length} The optional comma separated arguments are: * - is a TikZ pattern (e.g. north east lines (default), north west lines, crosshatch, crosshatch dots, grid, …) * - a color of the pattern (e.g. black (default), red, green blue gray, dark gray) === Ganttcon === This draws an arrow between the bars specified by coordinates. \ganttcon{startx}{starty}{endx}{endy} === Ganttbarcon === This draws a single bar and connects the bar with the previous bar for consecutive tasks. \ganttbarcon[pattern=value,color=value]{label}{start}{length} The optional pattern argument are the same as for \ganttbar. === Ganttgroup === This draws a bar to group tasks. \ganttgroup{label}{start}{length} === Ganttmilestone === This draws a milestone using a diamond. \ganttmilestone[color=value]{label}{start} The optional color argument argument is: * - a color of the pattern (e.g. black (default), red, green blue gray, dark gray) === Ganttmilestonecon === This draws a milestone using a diamond and connects the milestone with the previous bar or milestone. \ganttmilestonecon[color=value]{label}{start} The optional color argument argument is: * - a color of the pattern (e.g. black (default), red, green blue gray, dark gray)