%% @latexfile{ %% filename="ltugproc.sty", %% version="1.07", %% date="26-Jan-1994", %% filetype="LaTeX macros for TUG Proceedings", %% copyright="Copyright (C) TeX Users Group. %% Copying of this file is authorized only if either: %% (1) you make absolutely no changes to your copy, OR %% (2) if you do make changes, you first rename it to some %% other name.", %% author="TeX Users Group", %% address="TeX Users Group", %% P. O. Box 869, %% Santa Barbara, CA 93102-0869, %% USA", %% telephone="805-963-8358", %% email="Internet: tug@tug.org or TUGboat@Math.AMS.org", %% codetable="ISO/ASCII", %% checksumtype="line count", %% checksum="217", %% keywords="tex users group, tugboat, proceedings, latex", %% abstract="This file contains the LaTeX-based macros %% for Proceedings issues of TUGboat, the %% Communications of the TeX Users Group." %% } %% ********************************************************* %% %% Use of this file also requires the following files: %% LTUGBOAT.STY (version 1.14+) %% ARTICLE.STY (loaded by LTUGBOAT.STY) %% ART10.STY (loaded by ARTICLE.STY) %% TUGBOAT.CMN (version 1.08+) (loaded by LTUGBOAT.STY) %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def\fileversion{v1.07} \def\filedate{26 Jan 94} % % ltugproc.sty % % latex style file for Proceedings of TUG meetings % Use `\documentstyle[...]{ltugproc}' at the top of your file. % % All suggestions for code improvements are welcome. This file may % (and SHOULD) undergo further changes. \expandafter\xdef\csname the.at.cat\endcsname{\the\catcode`\@} \makeatletter \@ifundefined{ltugprocloaded@}{\global\let\ltugprocloaded@\end}% {\tugstyinit\endinput} \catcode`\@=\csname the.at.cat\endcsname \typeout{Document Style `ltugproc' \fileversion \space\space <\filedate>} % initialize year/issue-specific elements for standalone use \def\mtgyear{1994} \def\volyr{1994} \def\volno{15} \def\issno{3} % make this a documentstyle by calling ltugboat.sty first! % ltugboat.sty, in turn, inputs article.sty \input ltugboat.sty \def\maketitle{% \setcounter{footnote}{0} \def\thefootnote{\fnsymbol{footnote}} \twocolumn[\@maketitle] \def\thefootnote{\arabic{footnote}} \setcounter{footnote}{0}% } \@ifundefined{selectfont}% i.e. if the new font selection scheme is % NOT used {\def\AUTHORfont{\large\rm} \def\TITLEfont{\Large\rm} \def\addressfont{\small\rm} \def\netaddrfont{\small\tt}} % otherwise {\def\AUTHORfont{\large\rm\mediumseries\normalshape} \def\TITLEfont{\Large\rm\mediumseries\normalshape} \def\addressfont{\small\mediumseries\normalshape\rm} \def\netaddrfont{\small\mediumseries\normalshape\tt}} \def\@maketitle{% {\parskip\z@ \TITLEfont\raggedright\noindent\@title\par \count@=0 \loop \ifnum\count@<\authornumber \vskip20pt \advance\count@\@ne {\AUTHORfont\baselineskip=14pt\theauthor{\number\count@}\endgraf}% \addressfont\theaddress{\number\count@}\endgraf \netaddrfont\thenetaddress{\number\count@}\endgraf \repeat \vskip20pt \box\abstract@box}% \xdef\@titlepagenum{\number\c@page}% } \def\@titlepagenum{1 } % default \newbox\abstract@box % \changes{v1.0b}{89/08/03}{At the moment `thanks' are ignored.} \def\thanks#1{\@bsphack\@warning{\string\thanks\space is not supported in proc90.sty}\@esphack} \def\abstract{\global\setbox\abstract@box\hbox\bgroup \minipage\textwidth \centerline{\bf Abstract}% \vskip.5\baselineskip\rm \list{}{\listparindent20pt \itemindent\z@ \leftmargin4.875pc \rightmargin\leftmargin \parsep 0pt}\item[]\ignorespaces} \def\endabstract{\endlist\vskip 1pc\endminipage\egroup\global\@ignoretrue} \def\bibentry{\smallskip \hangindent=\parindent \hangafter=1 \noindent \sloppy \clubpenalty500 \widowpenalty500 \frenchspacing} % running heads & feet \def\rhTitle{\@title} \def\shortTitle #1{\def\rhTitle{#1}} \def\rhAuthor{\@author} \def\shortAuthor #1{\def\rhAuthor{#1}} \def\@oddhead{\MakeRegistrationMarks \ifnum\c@page=\@titlepagenum\else\hfil\rm\rhTitle\fi} \def\@evenhead{\MakeRegistrationMarks \ifnum\c@page=\@titlepagenum\else\rm\rhAuthor\hfil\fi} \newif\ifpreprint \preprinttrue \def\preprint{\preprinttrue} \advance\footskip8pt % for deeper running feet \def\dopagecommands{\csname @@pagecommands\number\c@page\endcsname} \def\setpagecommands#1#2{\expandafter\def\csname @@pagecommands#1\endcsname {#2}} \def\@oddfoot{\ifpreprint\pfoottext\hfil\Now\hfil$^.$\thepage \else\rfoottext\hfil\thepage\fi\dopagecommands} \def\@evenfoot{\ifpreprint\thepage$^.$\hfil\Now\hfil\pfoottext \else\thepage\hfil\rfoottext\fi\dopagecommands} \v@lx % normalize publication info for footer \def\pfoottext{{\smc Preprint}: \mtgyear{} \TUG{} Annual Meeting} \def\rfoottext{\tenrm\TUB, \volx\Dash {Proceedings of the \volyr{} Annual Meeting}} % sections \setcounter{secnumdepth}{0} % to suppress section numbering \def\section{\@startsection {section}{1}{\z@}{-8pt}{6pt}% {\large\bf\raggedright}} %FMi: changed -\fontdimen to +\fontdimen (LaTeX bug?) \def\subsection{\@startsection{subsection}{2}{\z@}{6pt plus 2pt minus 2pt}% {-5pt plus \fontdimen3\the\font}{\normalsize\bf}} \def\subsubsection {\@startsection{subsubsection}{3}{\z@}{1sp} {-5pt plus \fontdimen3\the\font}{\normalsize\bf}} % \UseTrimMarks % for final copy % \overfullrule=0pt \endinput %% ********************************************************* Change history 26 Jan 94 1.07 corrected TUG address in header parameterized dates, etc., in running footers initialized them at top of file instead of in footer text 9 Jan 93 1.06a changed TUG address in header to Santa Barbara modifications for conditions encountered in guidelines documents: added \baselineskip to author line in top matter, in case of multiple lines moved skip after abstract into \abstractbox, in case of no abstract 23 Jun 92 1.06 corrected documentation to cite LTUGBOAT.STY rather than TUGBOAT.STY 19 Mar 92 1.05 added \preprint to be parallel to TUGPROC.STY 8 Mar 92 1.04 removed \input article.sty -- ltugboat.sty now loads it changed width of abstract margins from 95pt to 4.875pc to widen abstract added standard headers, prepared for archive installation 16 Sep 91 1.03 added test for previous reading of this file \tenrm in place of \tenpoint in running head