% % Definition of the PostScript fonts that are known to Rokicki's dvips % Written by Dick van Soest % %% %% The format of a font/shape definition is as follows: %% %% \new@fontshape{family}{series}{shape}% %% {external_font_1% %% external_font_2% %% ... %% external_font_n}{} %% %% (Don't forget the final {} !) %% %% family : Name of font family like cmr etc. %% series : Weight and width of the font in 1 to 4 letter %% abbreviations. A table is given in the tugboat article %% distributed together with this file. %% shape : Either n (normal), it (italic), sc (small caps), sl %% (slanted) or u (upright italic). %% : The size in printer points. Standard LaTeX supports 5, %% 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 17, 20, 25 corresponding to %% \tiny, \scriptsize and so on. The angle brackets are %% part of the syntax! %% %% external_font_i : The name of the external font in your font %% library. If the font/shape is not available in a %% certain size you may use the name of a replacement %% font. E.g. one can substitute cmr5 for cmti.. which is %% only available in size 7 and higher. If you put a `1' %% in front of the name of the font a warning message will %% be produced (saying that the font has been substituted %% for the real one) when you use it for the first time. %% Below you can find examples of this mechanism. %% %% For font/shape combinations which aren't available at all like %% computer modern sans serif small caps a suitable default will be %% used automatically unless you specify a substitution yourself with %% the \subst@fontshape command. %% %% It syntax is as follows: %% %% \subst@fontshape{family}{series}{shape}% %% {subst_family}{subst_series}{subst_shape} %% %% This might be necessary if the automatically selected default does %% not match your needs. For example: the font shape choosen instead %% of `computer modern sans serif small caps' would be `computer %% modern sans serif normal'. With a \subst@fontshape command you can %% change this, for example, to `computer modern roman small caps' as %% we did below. (If you don't like this remove this line in your %% *copy* of this file.) %% %% Finally, for every family there is an \extra@def macro. It defines %% special action to be done at load time for every font of the family. %% In most cases you can simply write %% %% \extra@def{family}{}{} %% %% In this file it is used to suppress hyphenation for typewriter %% fonts (see \extra@def{cmtt}... below) and to set the \skewchar %% for math fonts (see \extra@def{cmm}... and \extra@def{cmsy}...). %% %------------------------------------------------------------------------ % Possible series: % % Weight class % ul ultra light % el extra light % l light % sl semi light % m medium (normal) % sb semi bold % b bold % eb extra bold % ub ultra bold % % Width class % uc ultra condensed (50%) % ec extra condensed (62.5%) % c condensed (75%) % sc semi condensed (87.5%) % m medium (normal) (100%) % sx semi expanded (112.5%) % x expanded (125%) % ex extra expanded (150%) % ux ultra expanded (200%) % % To combine the abbreviations in the \series command, weight is used % first and any instance of medium is dropped except when weight and % width are both medium. In this case one single m is used. So bold % expanded would be bx whereas medium expanded would be x. % % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ % % Possible shapes: % n normal % it italic % sc small caps % sl slanted % u upright italic % %------------------------------------------------------------------------ % Definition of a macro to make things easier to define - Dick % #1 is the name of the family % #2 is the name of the series % #3 is the name of the shape % #4 is the name of the TFM file \@ifundefined{new@fontshape} {\errmessage{The style option `psfonts' does not make sense if you do not use the new font selection scheme.} \endinput} {} \@ifundefined{@psfontsloaded}{}{\endinput} \def\postscriptdefinefont#1#2#3#4{% \new@fontshape{#1}{#2}{#3}{% <5>#4 at5pt% <6>#4 at6pt% <7>#4 at7pt% <8>#4 at8pt% <9>#4 at9pt% <10>#4 at10pt% <11>#4 at10.95pt% <12>#4 at12pt% <14>#4 at14.4pt% <17>#4 at17.28pt% <20>#4 at20.74pt% <25>#4 at24.88pt}{}} % % %% ******************************************************************** %% %% AvantGarde %% %% ******************************************************************** %% Series: medium Shape: normal \postscriptdefinefont{pag}{m}{n}{pagk} %% Series: medium Shape: small caps \postscriptdefinefont{pag}{m}{sc}{pagkc} %% Series: medium Shape: oblique \postscriptdefinefont{pag}{m}{sl}{pagko} %% Series: bold Shape: normal \postscriptdefinefont{pag}{b}{n}{pagd} %% Series: bold Shape: oblique \postscriptdefinefont{pag}{b}{sl}{pagdo} \extra@def{pag}{}{} \subst@fontshape{pag}{m}{it}{pag}{m}{sl} \subst@fontshape{pag}{b}{it}{pag}{b}{sl} % %% ******************************************************************** %% %% Bookman %% %% ******************************************************************** %% Series: bold Shape: normal \postscriptdefinefont{pbk}{b}{n}{pbkd} %% Series: bold Shape: italic \postscriptdefinefont{pbk}{b}{it}{pbkdi} %% Series: medium Shape: normal \postscriptdefinefont{pbk}{m}{n}{pbkl} %% Series: medium Shape: small caps \postscriptdefinefont{pbk}{m}{sc}{pbklc} %% Series: medium Shape: italic \postscriptdefinefont{pbk}{m}{it}{pbkli} \extra@def{pbk}{}{} \subst@fontshape{pbk}{m}{sl}{pbk}{m}{it} \subst@fontshape{pbk}{b}{sl}{pbk}{b}{it} % %% ******************************************************************** %% %% Courier %% %% ******************************************************************** %% Series: bold Shape: normal \postscriptdefinefont{pcr}{b}{n}{pcrb} %% Series: bold Shape: oblique \postscriptdefinefont{pcr}{b}{sl}{pcrbo} %% Series: medium Shape: normal \postscriptdefinefont{pcr}{m}{n}{pcrr} %% Series: medium Shape: oblique \postscriptdefinefont{pcr}{m}{sl}{pcrro} \extra@def{pcr}{}{} \subst@fontshape{pcr}{m}{it}{pcr}{m}{sl} \subst@fontshape{pcr}{b}{it}{pcr}{b}{sl} \subst@fontshape{pcr}{m}{sc}{pcr}{m}{sc} % %% ******************************************************************** %% %% Helvetica %% %% ******************************************************************** %% Series: bold Shape: normal \postscriptdefinefont{phv}{b}{n}{phvb} %% Series: bold Shape: oblique \postscriptdefinefont{phv}{b}{sl}{phvbo} %% Series: bold condensed Shape: normal \postscriptdefinefont{phv}{bc}{n}{phvbrn} %% Series: bold condensed Shape: oblique \postscriptdefinefont{phv}{bc}{sl}{phvbon} %% Series: condensed Shape: oblique \postscriptdefinefont{phv}{c}{sl}{phvron} %% Series: condensed Shape: normal \postscriptdefinefont{phv}{c}{n}{phvrrn} %% Series: medium Shape: oblique \postscriptdefinefont{phv}{m}{sl}{phvro} %% Series: medium Shape: normal \postscriptdefinefont{phv}{m}{n}{phvr} %% Series: medium Shape: small caps \postscriptdefinefont{phv}{m}{sc}{phvrc} \extra@def{phv}{}{} \subst@fontshape{phv}{m}{it}{phv}{m}{sl} \subst@fontshape{phv}{b}{it}{phv}{b}{sl} \subst@fontshape{phv}{bc}{it}{phv}{bc}{sl} \subst@fontshape{phv}{c}{it}{phv}{c}{sl} % %% ******************************************************************** %% %% NewCenturySchoolbook %% %% ******************************************************************** % Series: bold Shape: normal \postscriptdefinefont{pncs}{b}{n}{pncb} % Series: bold Shape: italic \postscriptdefinefont{pncs}{b}{it}{pncbi} % Series: medium Shape: italic \postscriptdefinefont{pncs}{m}{it}{pncri} %% Series: medium Shape: normal \postscriptdefinefont{pncs}{m}{n}{pncr} %% Series: medium Shape: small caps \postscriptdefinefont{pncs}{m}{sc}{pncrc} \extra@def{pncs}{}{} \subst@fontshape{pncs}{m}{sl}{pncs}{m}{it} \subst@fontshape{pncs}{b}{sl}{pncs}{b}{it} % %% ******************************************************************** %% %% Palatino %% %% ******************************************************************** %% Series: bold Shape: normal \postscriptdefinefont{ppl}{b}{n}{pplb} %% Series: bold Shape: italic \postscriptdefinefont{ppl}{b}{it}{pplbi} %% Series: bold Shape: unslanted \postscriptdefinefont{ppl}{b}{u}{pplbu} %% Series: condensed Shape: normal \postscriptdefinefont{ppl}{c}{n}{pplrrn} %% Series: expanded Shape: normal \postscriptdefinefont{ppl}{x}{n}{pplrre} %% Series: medium Shape: italic \postscriptdefinefont{ppl}{m}{it}{pplri} %% Series: medium Shape: slanted \postscriptdefinefont{ppl}{m}{sl}{pplro} %% Series: medium Shape: normal \postscriptdefinefont{ppl}{m}{n}{pplr} %% Series: medium Shape: small caps \postscriptdefinefont{ppl}{m}{sc}{pplrc} %% Series: medium Shape: unslanted \postscriptdefinefont{ppl}{m}{u}{pplru} \extra@def{ppl}{}{} \subst@fontshape{ppl}{b}{sl}{ppl}{b}{it} % %% ******************************************************************** %% %% Symbol %% %% ******************************************************************** %% Family: symbol %% Series: medium Shape: normal \postscriptdefinefont{psy}{m}{n}{psyr} %% Series: medium Shape: slanted \postscriptdefinefont{psy}{m}{sl}{psyro} \extra@def{psy}{}{} % %% ******************************************************************** %% %% Times %% %% ******************************************************************** %% Series: bold Shape: normal \postscriptdefinefont{ptm}{b}{n}{ptmb} %% Series: bold Shape: italic \postscriptdefinefont{ptm}{b}{it}{ptmbi} %% Series: condensed Shape: normal \postscriptdefinefont{ptm}{c}{n}{ptmrrn} %% Series: expanded Shape: normal \postscriptdefinefont{ptm}{x}{n}{ptmrre} %% Series: medium Shape: italic \postscriptdefinefont{ptm}{m}{it}{ptmri} %% Series: medium Shape: slanted \postscriptdefinefont{ptm}{m}{sl}{ptmro} %% Series: medium Shape: normal \postscriptdefinefont{ptm}{m}{n}{ptmr} %% Series: medium Shape: smallcaps \postscriptdefinefont{ptm}{m}{sc}{ptmrc} \extra@def{ptm}{}{} \subst@fontshape{ptm}{b}{sl}{ptm}{b}{it} % %% ******************************************************************** %% %% Zapf Chancery %% %% ******************************************************************** %% Series: medium Shape: it \postscriptdefinefont{pzc}{m}{it}{pzcmi} \extra@def{pzc}{}{} % %% ******************************************************************** %% %% Zapf Dingbats %% %% ******************************************************************** %% Series: medium Shape: normal \postscriptdefinefont{pzd}{m}{n}{pzdr} \extra@def{pzd}{}{} % \def\@psfontsloaded{}