% convenient LaTeX pagestyles, % defined by various LaTeX users % % *** WARNING WARNING WARNING *** % The macros in this file are NOT guaranteed to work and they are % definitely NOT maintained. Do not count on them remaining % stable over long periods: if you use them in a thesis (say), % copy the ones you use to your own macro file! % % To invoke the pagestyle named \ps@foo, you can say % % \pagestyle{foo} % or % \thispagestyle{foo} % % % Latex users are encouraged to create their own styles and put % them in this file. They should keep in mind the following % points: % 1. All styles added should be documented. % 2. The style added must work REGARDLESS of the document % style and point size used, or else they should % clearly state which styles and sizes they are % restricted to. % 3. Don't allow spurious spaces into the style macros!!! % 4. All styles should be added anonymously unless the % author wants to get hundreds of questions about % usage! % % DON'T MESS WITH THIS LINE. IT MUST PRECEDE ALL OTHERS! \makeatletter % allow @ in macro names % A SAMPLE STYLE: % % STYLE plaintop : invoked (for example) with \pagestyle{plaintop} % % This style is like the Plain style (i.e., just a page number is output) % but the page number is in the middle of the header line (at the top of % the page) and the footer line (at the bottom of the page) is blank. % \def\ps@plaintop{% \def\@oddhead{\rm\hfil\thepage\hfil}% \def\@oddfoot{}% \def\@evenhead\@oddhead \let\@evenfoot\@oddfoot} %% ADD MORE STYLES HERE. % DON'T MESS WITH THE FOLLOWING LINE. IT MUST BE THE LAST LINE IN THE FILE!! \makeatother