% ISO/TC97/SC21 DOCUMENT-STYPE OPTION - Wed May 20 17:07:56 BST 1987 % % derived from % % TITLEPAGE DOCUMENT-STYLE OPTION - released 27 January 1985 % for LaTeX version 2.09 % Copyright (C) 1985 by Leslie Lamport % % This style option produces a cover page appropriate for % ISO/TC97/SC21 documents. % % In addition to the normal \title, \author (will give rise to the % source of the document) and \date commands, three further values % should be set. These are: % % \nnumber{NNN} % The N Number of the document. Put something like \nnumber{\sl XXXX}, % if you are not sure of the number. % % \project{Project Reference} % The project reference for the document. For example, % \project{97.21.23} or \project{97.21.9 Q45} % % \status{Document Status} % For example \status{UK Position} or \status{UK Expert Contribution} \def\nnumber#1{\def\@nnumber{{#1}}} \nnumber{\em NNNN} \def\project#1{\def\@project{{#1}}} \project{\em 97.21.NN} \def\status#1{\def\@status{{#1}}} \status{\em status unset} \def\maketitle{\begin{titlepage} \setcounter{page}{0} \begin{flushright} \shortstack[l]{ ISO/TC 97/SC 21 N {\LARGE \bf \@nnumber} \\ {\sl Project: \@status} \\ Date: \@date} \end{flushright} \vfil \begin{center} {\LARGE I S O } \\[3ex] {\Large \sc International Organisation for Standardisation } \\[2ex] {\Large \sc Organisation Internationale de Normalisation } \\[5ex] \fbox{ \shortstack{ {\Huge ISO/TC 97/SC 21} \\[1ex] {\Huge WG 1} \\[2ex] {\LARGE OSI --- Architecture} } } \end{center} \vskip 70pt % To adjust centering. \begin{Large} \begin{description} \item[TITLE:] \@title \item[SOURCE:] \@author \item[DATE:] \@date \item[PROJECT:] \@project \item[STATUS:] \@status \end{description} \end{Large} \vfil \null \end{titlepage} }