% ***************************** QM.STY ***************************** % Version 1.1 % 25.5.1994 % % Commands for Bras, Kets, and the like. The commands are working in % textmode and mathmode. % % Since Version 1.1 of this style the arguments of all commands are set to % mathmode; e.g. you don't have to write \bra{$\Phi$} but only \bra{\Phi}. % % Written by: % Norbert Christlieb % Heussweg 102 % 20255 Hamburg % Germany % E-Mail: norbert@philosophie.uni-hamburg.de % % ******************************************* \def\fileversion{1.1} \def\filedate{May 25, 1994} \typeout{Style Option `qm' Version\space\fileversion\space<\filedate> (NC) } % Command for Bras. Example: with "\bra{1}" you get "<1|". \newcommand{\bra}[1]{\mbox{\rm \raisebox{0.15ex}[-0.15ex]{$<$}$#1$ \kern-.20em \vrule width.025em height1.6ex depth 0ex}} % \ket{1}: |1> \newcommand{\ket}[1]{\mbox{\rm \vrule width.025em height1.6ex depth 0ex \kern.15em $#1$\raisebox{0.15ex}[-0.15ex]{$>$}}} % \bracket{1}{2}: <1|2> \newcommand{\bracket}[2]{\mbox{\rm \raisebox{0.15ex}[-0.15ex]{$<$}$#1$ \kern-.20em \vrule width.025em height1.6ex depth 0ex \kern.20em $#2$\raisebox{0.15ex}[-0.15ex]{$>$}}} % \expvalue{1}{2}{3}: <1|2|3> \newcommand{\expvalue}[3]{\mbox{\rm \raisebox{0.15ex}[-0.15ex]{$<$}$#1$ \kern-.20em \vrule width.025em height1.6ex depth 0ex \kern.20em $#2$ \kern-.20em \vrule width.025em height1.6ex depth 0ex \kern.15em $#3$\raisebox{0.15ex}[-0.15ex]{$>$}}} % Operator of the identity: \identop \def\identop{\mbox{\tt \large \kern.45em \vrule width.02em height1.35ex depth 0ex \kern-.19em 1}} % Adjoint Operator \newcommand{\adjoint}[1]{\mbox{$#1^{\mbox{\scriptsize \dag}}$}}