% Document style option "drafthead" % -- usage: \documentstyle[...,drafthead,...]{...} % -- puts "DRAFT" with date and time at top of each page. % % Author: Stephen Page - sdpage@uk.ac.oxford.prg % sdpage%prg.oxford.ac.uk@ucl-cs.arpa % sdpage%prg.oxford.ac.uk@cs.ucl.ac.uk % Released 23 June 1986 % % Sets \pagestyle{myheadings} and installs a header. % % Bugs: % -- LaTeX supplies free page number in a nonzero-width box at r.h. edge, % so the word DRAFT is not exactly centered. It's near enough, though! % -- Always sets headers, destroying any user-supplied ones. %---------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % compute the time in hours and minutes; make new variables \timehh and \timemm % \newcount\timehh\newcount\timemm \timehh=\time \divide\timehh by 60 \timemm=\time \count255=\timehh\multiply\count255 by -60 \advance\timemm by \count255 % % now put in header \markboth% %--- Left mark {\hspace*{\fill}{\protect\small\bf \fbox{DRAFT}} \hspace*{\fill} \protect\makebox[0pt][r]{\protect\small\sl\today\ -- \ifnum\timehh<10 0\fi\number\timehh\,:\,\ifnum\timemm<10 0\fi\number\timemm} }%--- right mark {\protect\makebox[0pt][l]{\protect\small\sl\today\ -- \ifnum\timehh<10 0\fi\number\timehh\,:\,\ifnum\timemm<10 0\fi\number\timemm} \hspace*{\fill} {\protect\small\bf \fbox{DRAFT}} \hspace*{\fill}} \pagestyle{myheadings}