@book{Lamport, author="Leslie Lamport", title="\LaTeX: {A} Document Preparation System", publisher="Addison-Wesley", address="Reading, MA", year = "1986" } @unpublished{amslatex, author="{American Mathematical Society}", title="\amslatex/ Version 1.1 User's Guide (1991)", address="Providence", note="Distributed with the software (use anonymous ftp from {\tt e-math.ams.com})" } @unpublished{psfig, author="Trevor Darrell", title="{Psfig/\TeX} 1.8 Users Guide (1991)", address="Boston", note="Distributed with the software (use anonymous ftp from {\tt whitechapel.media.mit.edu})" } @book{epstein:WordProcessing, author="David B. A. Epstein and Jim Cannon and Silvio Levy and Derek Holt and Mike Paterson and William Thurston", title="Word Processing in Groups", address="Boston", year="1992", publisher="Jones and Bartlett" } @article{Mittelbach, author="Frank Mittelbach", title="An environment for multi-column output", journal="TUGboat", year="1989", volume="10", pages="407--415" } @unpublished{rokicki, author="Tom Rokicki", title="{DVIPS}: A {\TeX} driver (version 5.490, 1992)", address="Stanford", note="Distributed with the software (use anonymous ftp from {\tt labrea.stanford.edu})" } @book{illustrator, author="Mike Schuster and others", title="Adobe Illustrator", address="Palo Alto, CA", publisher="Adobe Systems", year="1988" } @book{wolfram, author="Stephen Wolfram", title="Mathematica: A System for Doing Mathematics by Computer", address="Reading, MA", publisher="Addison-Wesley", edition="2nd", year="1991" }