# Trivial Makefile to generate and move files to the appropriate directory. # Copyright 2005, 2006, 2007 TeX Users Group. # You may freely use, modify and/or distribute this file. styles = lucmtime.sty lucbmath.sty lucidabr.sty lucidbrb.sty \ lucidbry.sty lucmin.sty luctime.sty fd = lmrhlcm.fd omlhlcm.fd omlhlh.fd omshlcy.fd omshlh.fd omxhlcv.fd default: $(styles) $(fd) $(styles) $(fd): lucidabr.ins latex '\nonstopmode\input $<' $(styles): lucidabr.dtx $(fd): lucidabr.fdd lucidabr.pdf: lucidabr.dtx pdflatex '\nonstopmode\input $<' texmf = ../../.. install: $(styles) $(fd) mv -f $(styles) $(texmf)/tex/latex/lucidabr/ mv -f $(fd) $(texmf)/tex/latex/lucidabr/ rm -f lucfont.tex lucidabr.log lucidabr.aux