%% Copyright 1998--2006 by Alexander I. Rozhenko. %% %% This file is part of the `ncctools' bundle. %% %% I am allowed to distribute this file together with all files %% mentioned in the manifest.txt. %% %% You are not allowed to modify its contents. %% % This file requires docstrip version 2.4 or higher available from % ftp.dante.de tex-archive/macros/latex/unpacked/docstrip.tex \input docstrip \def\SimplePackage#1{% \generate{\file{#1.sty}{\from{#1.dtx}{package}}}} \keepsilent %% This is the preamble that will be placed on unpacked files \preamble IMPORTANT NOTICE: This file is a generated file from the sources of the `ncctools' bundle. You are not allowed to modify this file. You are allowed to distribute this file if and only if it is distributed with the corresponding source files in the `ncctools' bundle. For the copying and distribution conditions of the source files, see the README file distributed with the ncctools bundle. \endpreamble %%%%%%%%%%%%%% Generate packages \SimplePackage{afterpackage} \SimplePackage{dcounter} \SimplePackage{desclist} \SimplePackage{extdash} \SimplePackage{manyfoot} \SimplePackage{mboxfill} \SimplePackage{nccbbb} \SimplePackage{nccboxes} \SimplePackage{ncccomma} \SimplePackage{ncccropbox} \SimplePackage{ncccropmark} \SimplePackage{nccfancyhdr} \SimplePackage{nccfloats} \SimplePackage{nccfoots} \SimplePackage{nccmath} \SimplePackage{nccparskip} \SimplePackage{nccpic} \SimplePackage{nccrules} \SimplePackage{nccsect} \SimplePackage{nccstretch} \SimplePackage{nccthm} \SimplePackage{textarea} \SimplePackage{tocenter} \SimplePackage{topsection} \SimplePackage{watermark} \Msg{***********************************************************} \Msg{*} \Msg{* To finish the installation you have to move all the files} \Msg{* with extension `.sty' into a directory searched by TeX.} \Msg{*} \Msg{* To produce the documentation run the .dtx files through LaTeX.} \Msg{*} \Msg{* Happy TeXing} \Msg{***********************************************************} \endbatchfile