% % Copyright 1998-2018 by Alexander I. Rozhenko % % CONTENTS OF THE NCCTOOLS BUNDLE, Release 3.5 %============================================= afterpackage.dtx dcounter.dtx desclist.dtx extdash.dtx manyfoot.dtx mboxfill.dtx nccbbb.dtx nccboxes.dtx ncccomma.dtx ncccropbox.dtx ncccropmark.dtx nccfancyhdr.dtx nccfloats.dtx nccfoots.dtx nccmath.dtx nccparskip.dtx nccpic.dtx nccrules.dtx nccsect.dtx nccstretch.dtx nccthm.dtx textarea.dtx tocenter.dtx topsection.dtx watermark.dtx % % OTHER FILES %============= manifest.txt This file ncctools.ins Instructions for unpacking packages prepared in `.dtx' files. See README ncctools.tex Short guide to the bundle README Describes installation and bug reporting procedures. Contains copyright notes and distribution rules.