% orsetup.mf -- setup things for the Oriya metafont after the parameters % have been read. % Copyright 1996 Jeroen Hellingman % % History: % 16-NOV-1996 changed pen definitions (Jeroen Hellingman) %% Parameters %% %% here we set the remaining parameters, based on values set in the %% parameter file. overshoot# := 1uh#; % overshoot of certain characters joint# := 4uh#; % height where curves join bars define_pixels(rb,rm,uw,uh,joint); define_whole_pixels(overshoot); currenttransform := currenttransform shifted (.5rm, 0) slanted slant; %% set the remaining font parameters in the {\tt .tfm} file font_slant := slant; font_quad := 20uw#; font_x_height := 25uh#; font_normal_space := 14uw#; font_normal_stretch := 8uw#; font_normal_shrink := 2uw#; %% pens superthin# := 0.1pt#; define_blacker_pixels(thin,thick,superthin); thin := max(thin,1); superthin := max(superthin,1); smoothing := 0; % Note: slight variations in pen-thickness have undesireable effects when % generating fonts for low resolution printers. % pen weight factors if calligraphic: if (thick > 10.0): HH := 1.15; H := 1.075; L := 0.925; LL := 0.75; else: HH := 1.20; H := 1.00; L := 1.00; LL := 0.80; fi else: HH := 1.00; H := 1.00; L := 1.00; LL := 1.00; fi; % curvepen % pen used for circular curves % subpen % pen used for subscribed letters % subbarpen % pen used for standing bars in subscribed letters % barpen % pen used for standing bars % ddiagpen % pen used for top-right to bottom-left diagonals % udiagpen % pen used for bottom-right to top-left diagonals pickup pencircle xscaled thick yscaled thin rotated rot; curvepen := savepen; pickup pencircle xscaled (H * thick) yscaled (H * thin) rotated rot; barpen := savepen; pickup pencircle xscaled (HH * thick) yscaled (HH * thin) rotated rot; udiagpen := savepen; pickup pencircle xscaled (L * thick) yscaled (L * thin) rotated rot; subpen := savepen; pickup pencircle xscaled thick yscaled thin rotated rot; subbarpen := savepen; pickup pencircle xscaled (LL * thick) yscaled (LL * thin) rotated rot; ddiagpen := savepen; % end of orsetup.mf