# The following file and directory specifications may need changing at # your site: # # where is the header file to be found? HDRDIR=A:\\TEX\\BIN HDRFILE=$(HDRDIR)\\jtex.ps PSPATH=. # # # By default we will use PK > GF > PXL format files. # # how to global font registration # include a -DGLOBAL_FONT below # and edit "jtex.ps" file /bop0 -> /bop1 # /bop1 -> /bop0 # #CFLAGS = /AL /Fs /Zi /Od /W2 /DDEBUG CFLAGS = /AL #LDFLAGS = /Fm /AL /Zi /Od LDFLAGS = /AL MAKE = make makefile RM = rm -rf .c.obj: cl /c $(CFLAGS) $*.c OBJ = pstex.obj args.obj fopenp.obj pstex.obj: pstex.c std.h args.h args.obj: args.c std.h args.h fopenp.obj: fopenp.c std.h pstex.exe: $(OBJ) cl $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJ)