%%%% %%%% This file belongs to the ROEX package. %%%% %%% draw write_preamble write_postamble find_BB set_BB fill_C draw_C %%% draw fix_fill_cmyk fix_draw_cmyk % ES-01.MF, ``SQUARE'': % A trivial example, expanding stroke applied to a square. % --- input mftoeps; eps_mode_setup; input roex; tracingexpanding:=1; % --- beginchar("0",cm#,cm#,0); expand_stroke (unitsquare xscaled w yscaled h) (1mm) R; % find_BB make_list(1,R.num) R; find_BB R1,R2; % R.num=2 write_preamble jobname; for i:=1 upto R.num: fix_draw_cmyk if check_turn(R[i])>0: 0,1,1,0 else: 1,1,0,0 fi; draw_C R[i]; if proofing>0: for j:=0 upto length(R[i])-1: makelabel(decimal(j) & "/" & decimal(i),point j of R[i]); endfor fi endfor write_postamble; endchar; end. %%\end