% This is fontdef.sau, modified from the original fontdef.ams of the % AMS-LaTeX distribution. The original copyright notice is listed below. % %% %% AMS copyright notice %% %%@texfile{% %% filename="fontdef.sau", %% version="1.2", %% date="23-OCT-1992", %% filetype="AMS-LaTeX: font option", %% copyright="Copyright (C) American Mathematical Society, all rights %% reserved. Copying of this file is authorized only if either: %% (1) you make absolutely no changes to your copy, including name; %% OR (2) if you do make changes, you first rename it to some other %% name.", %% author="American Mathematical Society", %% address="American Mathematical Society, %% Technical Support Group, %% P. O. Box 6248, %% Providence, RI 02940, %% USA", %% telephone="401-455-4080 or (in the USA) 800-321-4AMS", %% email="knuutila@cs.utu.fi", %% checksumtype="line count", %% checksum="208", %% codetable="ISO/ASCII", %% keywords="latex, amslatex, ams-latex, sauter, true size", %% abstract="This file is modified from part of the AMS-\LaTeX{} %% package. It defines font correspondences for Computer Modern fonts, %% MSAM, MSBM, and EUFM fonts." %%} %% END OF AMS copyright notice %% % History of changes will be found at the end of this file. % % Standard test to prevent double loading of this file. % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\ifx\csname fontdef.sauter\endcsname\relax \expandafter\def\csname fontdef.sauter\endcsname{} \else\message{---already loaded}\endinput\fi % \end{macrocode} % % Send a message identifying this file. % \begin{macrocode} \def\filename{fontdef.sauter} \def\fileversion{1.0a} \def\filedate{23-OCT-1992} \immediate\write16{% `\filename' (\fileversion, \filedate), (TK)} % \end{macrocode} %%% end of file header %% %% This file contains the external font information needed to load %% the computer modern family designed by Donald E. Knuth, together %% with all fonts which are supplied with the AMS font package, %% and the cyrillic fonts from the Univ. of Washington. %% You may remove the font families your system does not support. %% %% Don't change the next few lines unless you know exactly what you %% are doing. %% \def\default@shape{n} \def\default@series{m} \def\default@family{cmr} \def\default@errfont{cmsy10} %% %% Again, this is a double dangerous bend. %% \family\default@family \series\default@series \shape\default@shape %% %% One can generate all TeX font sizes with the Sauter package. %% \def\sauter@family#1#2#3#4{ \new@fontshape{#1}{#3}{#4}{% <5>#25% Yup, this looks ugly, but {#2}5 just won't work. <6>#26% <7>#27% <8>#28% <9>#29% <10>#210% <11>#211% <12>#212% <14>#214% <17>#217% <20>#220% <25>#225% }{}}% %% CMR medium \sauter@family{cmr}{cmr}{m}{n} \sauter@family{cmr}{cmsl}{m}{sl} \sauter@family{cmr}{cmti}{m}{it} \sauter@family{cmr}{cmcsc}{m}{sc} %% CMR bold extended \sauter@family{cmr}{cmbx}{bx}{n} \sauter@family{cmr}{cmbxsl}{bx}{sl} \sauter@family{cmr}{cmbxti}{bx}{it} %% no extras \extra@def{cmr}{}{} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% Sans serif font shapes %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Where's demibold condensed? sb + c? And cmssq? And cmssqi? % \sauter@family{cmss}{cmss}{m}{n} \sauter@family{cmss}{cmssi}{m}{it} \sauter@family{cmss}{cmssbx}{bx}{n} % substituted families \subst@fontshape{cmss}{m}{sl}{cmr}{m}{sl}% Maybe {cmss}{m}{it} would do, too. \subst@fontshape{cmss}{m}{sc}{cmr}{m}{sc} \extra@def{cmss}{}{} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% Typewriter font shapes %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % \sauter@family{cmtt}{cmtt}{m}{n} %% No hyphenation \extra@def{cmtt}{\hyphenchar #1\m@ne}{} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% Math italic font shapes %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \sauter@family{cmm}{cmmi}{m}{it} \sauter@family{cmm}{cmmib}{b}{it} \extra@def{cmm}{\skewchar#1'177}{} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% Math symbol font shapes %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \sauter@family{cmsy}{cmsy}{m}{n} \sauter@family{cmsy}{cmbsy}{b}{n} \extra@def{cmsy}{\skewchar#1'60}{} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% Math extension font %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \sauter@family{cmex}{cmex}{m}{n} \extra@def{cmex}{}{} %% % When AMS symbol fonts are available, LaTeX symbol fonts are % not needed. %% %% NOTE: AMS fonts are currently defined with sizes 5,6,7,8,9 and 10. %% The Euler Fraktur fonts of size 14 are no longer supported. %% \def\smallfull@family#1#2#3#4{% \new@fontshape{#1}{#3}{#4}{% <5>#25% <6>#26% <7>#27% <8>#28% <9>#29% <10>#210% <11>#210 at10.95pt% <11>#210 at10.95pt% <12>#210 at12pt% <14>#210 at14.4pt% <17>#210 at17.28pt% <20>#210 at20.74pt% <25>#210 at24.88pt}{}} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% symbol font shapes %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \smallfull@family{msa}{msam}{m}{n} \extra@def{msa}{}{} \smallfull@family{msb}{msbm}{m}{n} \extra@def{msb}{}{} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% Euler (German) Fraktur family %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \smallfull@family{euf}{eufm}{m}{n} \smallfull@family{euf}{eufb}{b}{n} \extra@def{euf}{\hyphenchar#1\m@ne \@tempdima\fontdimen2#1% \fontdimen3#1.4\@tempdima \fontdimen4#1.3\@tempdima} {} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% University of Washington cyrillic family %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \smallfull@family{UWCyr}{wncyr}{m}{n} \smallfull@family{UWCyr}{wncyi}{m}{it} \smallfull@family{UWCyr}{wncyb}{b}{n} \extra@def{UWCyr}{}{} %% %% %% 9.3-92. %% No magnified fonts used for CM, all sizes are `true points'. %% %% 23.10. 1992 %% Typos fixed, thanks to J\"org Knappen %% %% Timo Knuutila, knuutila@cs.utu.fi