%% /u/sy/beebe/tex/talks/special/special.bib, Mon Nov 12 08:49:31 1990 %% Edit by Nelson H.F. Beebe %% texfile{ %% author = "Nelson H. F. Beebe", %% version = "1.01", %% date = "12 Nov 1990", %% filename = "special.bib", %% address = "Center for Scientific Computing %% Department of Mathematics %% South Physics Building %% University of Utah %% Salt Lake City, UT 84112 %% USA %% Tel: (801) 581-5254", %% checksum = "345 1159 10160", %% email = "beebe at science.utah.edu (Internet)", %% codetable = "ISO/ASCII", %% keywords = "", %% supported = "yes", %% docstring = "This is the bibliography file for special.ltx. %% The checksum field above contains the %% standard UNIX wc (word count) utility %% output of lines, words, and characters; %% eventually, a better checksum scheme should %% be developed." %% } @preamble{"\input{bibnames.sty}" # "\input{pathname}" # "\hyphenation{Ker-n-i-ghan Port-able Post-Script Pren-tice Richt-er Spring-er}" } @string{Adobe:adr = "1585 Charleston Road, P.~O. Box 7900, Mountain View, CA 94039-7900, USA, Tel: (415) 961-4400"} @string{Adobe:org = "Adobe Systems Incorporated"} @string{AMS = "American Mathematical Society"} @string{ANSI = "American National Standards Institute"} @string{ANSI:adr = "1430 Broadway, New York, N. Y., 10018"} @string{AP = "Academic Press"} @string{AH = "Adam Hilger Ltd., Bristol"} @string{AW = "Ad\-di\-son-Wes\-ley"} @string{BH = "Birkh{\"{a}}user"} @string{BN = "Barnes and Noble"} @string{BSTJ = "The Bell System Technical Journal"} @string{CACM = "Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery"} @string{COL = "Collier Books, Macmillan Publishing Company"} @string{CJ = "The Computer Journal"} @string{COMPLANG = "Computer Language"} @string{CP = "Clarendon Press, Oxford"} @string{CSP = "Computer Science Press"} @string{CUP = "Cambridge University Press"} @string{CGIP = "Computer Graphics and Image Processing"} @string{DDJ = "Dr. Dobb's Journal"} @string{DOV = "Dover"} @string{DP = "Digital Press"} @string{EH = "Ellis Horwood"} @string{ELS = "Elsevier"} @string{FSF = "{F}ree {S}oftware {F}oundation"} @string{HBJ = "Harcourt Brace Jovanovich"} @string{HRW = "Holt, Reinhart, and Winston"} @string{HWS = "Howard W. Sams"} @string{IC = "Intel Corporation"} @string{ISO = "International Organization for Standardization"} @string{IEEE = "IEEE Computer Society"} @string{JH = "The Johns Hopkins University Press"} @string{JW = "John Wiley"} @string{MAC = "Macmillan Publishing Company"} @string{MC = "Motorola Corporation"} @string{MH = "Mc\-Graw-Hill"} @string{MIT = "MIT Press"} @string{MK = "Morgan Kaufmann Publishers"} @string{NH = "North-Hol\-land"} @string{OMH = "Osborne\slash Mc\-Graw-Hill"} @string{OR = "O'Reilly \& {Associates, Inc.}"} @string{OR:adr = "981 Chestnut Street, Newton, MA 02164"} @string{OX = "Oxford University Press"} @string{PH = "Pren\-tice-Hall"} @string{PHI = "Pren\-tice-Hall International"} @string{PUP = "Princeton University Press"} @string{REK = "Robert E. Krieger Publishing Company"} @string{SF = "Scott, Foresman and Company"} @string{SIAM = "Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Philadelphia"} @string{SIAM-J-COMP = "SIAM Journal of Computing"} @string{SIGPLAN = "ACM SIG\-PLAN Notices"} @string{SIGGRAPH = "ACM SIG\-GRAPH\emdash Com\-puter Graphics"} @string{SPE = "Soft\-ware\emdash Prac\-tice and Experience"} @string{SV = "Spring\-er-Ver\-lag"} @string{TEXHAX = "{\TeX{}\-hax}"} @string{TOGS = "ACM Transactions on Graphics"} @string{TUGboat = "{\TUB{}}"} @string{USGPO = "United States Government Printing Office"} @string{VNR = "Van Nostrand Reinhold"} @string{W = "Wiley"} @string{WAB = "W. A. {Benjamin, Inc.}"} @string{WI = "Wiley-In\-ter\-sci\-ence"} @string{WRC = "W. and R. Chambers Ltd."} @Misc{Abraxas:pcyacc, author = "{Abraxas Software, Inc.}", title = "{PCYACC} 2.0", note = "7033 SW Macadam Ave., Portland, OR 97219.", year = "1987", } @TechReport{Adobe:epsf-spec, author = "PostScript Developer Support Group", title = "{Encapsulated PostScript Files} Specification Version 2.0", institution = Adobe:org, year = "1989", number = "PN LPS5002", address = Adobe:adr, month = jun # " 5", note = "Available electronically from {\tt ps-file-server@adobe.com} in response to an e-mail request {\tt send Documents EPSF.ps.Zba}. The request {\tt send Index} will return a complete index for the server.", } @TechReport{Adobe:docstruct-spec, author = "PostScript Developer Support Group", title = "{Document Structuring Conventions} Specification, Version 2.1", institution = Adobe:org, year = "1989", number = "PN LPS5001", address = Adobe:adr, month = jan # " 16", note = "Available electronically from {\tt ps-file-server@adobe.com} in response to an e-mail request {\tt send Documents struct.ps.Zba}. The request {\tt send Index} will return a complete index for the server.", } @Book{Aho:green-dragon, author = "Aho, Alfred V. and Ullman, Jeffrey D.", title = "Principles of Compiler Design", publisher = AW, year = "1977", note = "See also the much expanded subsequent book \cite{Aho:red-dragon}.", } @Book{Aho:red-dragon, author = "Aho, Alfred V. and Sethi, Ravi and Ullman, Jeffrey D.", title = "Compilers\emdash Prin\-ci\-ples, Techniques, and Tools", publisher = AW, year = "1986", } @Manual{ANSI:c89, title = "American National Standard Programming Language C, ANSI X3.159-1989", organization = ANSI, address = ANSI:adr, year = "1989", month = dec # " 14", } @Article{Beebe:TB8-1-41, author = "Nelson H. F. Beebe", title = "{{Public domain \TeX\ DVI driver family}}", journal = TUGboat, year = "1987", volume = "8", number = "1", pages = "41", month = Apr, } @TechReport{Donnelly:bison, author = "Charles Donnelly and Richard M. Stallman", title = "BISON\emdash The YACC-com\-pat\-i\-ble Parser Generator", institution = FSF, address = "675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, Tel: (617) 876-3296", year = "1988", note = "Bison was largely written by Robert Corbett, and made yacc-com\-pat\-i\-ble by Richard Stallman. Electronic mail: |rms@prep.ai.mit.edu|. Software also available via ANONYMOUS FTP to |prep.ai.mit.edu|. See also \cite{Paxson:flex}.", } @InProceedings{Gray:lex, author = "Robert W. Gray", title = "$\gamma$-{GLA}\emdash A Generator for Lexical Analyzers that Programmers Can Use", booktitle = "Summer USENIX '88", year = "1988", pages = "147--160", month = jun # " 20--24", } @Book{Harbison:carm-2, author = "Samuel P. Harbison and Guy L. {Steele Jr.}", title = "C\emdash A Reference Manual", publisher = PH, year = 1987, edition = "Second", } @Book{Holub:compiler-design, author = "Allen I. Holub", title = "Compiler Design in {C}", publisher = PH, year = "1990", note = PH # " Software Series, Editor: Brian W. Kernighan.", ISBN = "0-13-155045-4", } @InCollection{Johnson:yacc, author = "Steven C. Johnson", title = "Yacc: Yet Another Compiler Compiler", booktitle = "{UNIX} Programmer's Manual", publisher = HRW, year = "1979", volume = "2", pages = "353--387", note = "AT\&T Bell Laboratories Technical Report July 31, 1978.", } @Book{Knuth:texbook, author = "Donald E. Knuth", title = "The {\TeX}book", publisher = AW, year = "1984", ISBN = "0-201-13448-9", } @Article{Knuth:TB11-4-???-???, author = "Donald E. Knuth", title = "The Future of {\TeX} and {\MF}", journal = TUGboat, year = "1990", volume = "11", number = "4", pages = "???--???", month = dec, } @InCollection{Lesk:lex, author = "Michael E. Lesk and Eric Schmidt", title = "Lex\emdash A Lexical Analyzer Generator", booktitle = "{UNIX} Programmer's Manual", publisher = HRW, year = "1979", volume = "2", pages = "388--400", note = "AT\&T Bell Laboratories Technical Report in 1975.", } @Misc{MKS:yacc, author = "{Mortice Kern Systems, Inc.}", title = "{MKS LEX \& YACC}", year = "1987", note = "35 King Street North, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, Tel: (519) 884-2251.", } @Misc{Paxson:flex, author = "Vern Paxson", title = "flex\emdash fast lexical analyzer generator", howpublished = FSF # ", 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, Tel: (617) 876-3296", year = "1988", note = "Electronic mail: |vern@lbl-csam.arpa| or |vern@lbl-rtsg.arpa|). Software also available via ANONYMOUS FTP to |lbl-csam.arpa|, |lbl-rtsg.arpa|, or |prep.ai.mit.edu|. See also \cite{Donnelly:bison}.", } @Book{Schreiner:compiler, author = "Axel T. Schreiner and H. George {Friedman, Jr.}", title = "Introduction to Compiler Construction Under {UNIX}", publisher = PH, year = "1985", }